The Most Common Wedding Thank You Card Wording

The Most Common Wedding Thank You Card Wording

The Most Common Wedding Thank You Card Wording

For each wedding gift that you receive, it is essential that you send a personal thank you note. Your note should be warm and heartfelt, but also short and simple.

Table of Contents

When writing your thank you notes, remember that it is the thought that counts. Your guests will appreciate being appreciated for their gifts. If you get stumped with your wedding thank you card wording, just follow our tips and wording samples to make the writing process easier on yourself.

•A Pen – Handwritten notes are the absolute best method for sending thank you cards for wedding gifts. It is customary to use either a black or blue ink pen when writing Thank You cards.

Basics of wedding thank you card wording:

No matter what wording you use for your wedding thank you cards, there are some basic things that you should try to include within each message.

•The names of the gift-givers – For example, include a greeting such as “Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith”

•The gift that was given – Try to be specific. Include a sentence about the gift that you received and either why you like it or how you plan to use it.

If cash was given, write about how you plan to use the money but don’t acknowledge the amount.

•Acknowledgement of either their presence or absence on your wedding day – If the gift-giver was able to attend your wedding, thank them for coming.

If the gift-giver was unable to attend, express that you missed them being there (without making them feel bad, of course).

•Gratitude from both of you – The thank you card should be written by either you or your spouse. However, make sure that you express gratitude to both of you.

Whenever applicable, for example, say “[Spouse’s name] and I thank you for…”

Wedding Thank You Card Wording Basics

Before you get started

Before you get started with your wedding thank you cards, you will need a few things.

•A list of gifts received – Make sure when opening gifts to keep track of who gave you which gift. If you want to save time, record the gifts next to the gift giver’s name on a guest list that includes mailing addresses.

•Stationary – Try to find stationery that you love. It will make writing the thank you notes much more enjoyable knowing that you are proud to send them to your friends and family.

Thank You Card Wording Samples

We know it’s sometimes hard to think of what to say in thank you cards. To help make the process easier, use any of our wedding thank you wording samples.

The wording samples are sorted by the gift. If you have a normal gift, a cash gift, a nonprofit donation gift, a gift you don’t like, or a gift you returned you can find examples of messages to include in your wedding thank you cards.

The Most Common Wedding Thank You Card Wording

Thank You Wording Samples: Normal Gifts

“Normal wedding gifts” are the gifts that you wanted, liked, and truly appreciate. You don’t have to sugarcoat your message because you genuinely like the gift that you received. Make sure to include the specific item that you received and how you plan to use it.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster,

We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your generous gift. Jessica and I had a great time on our honeymoon and used part of your gift to go snorkelling. We hope you enjoy the picture! It was great to see you at the wedding and we’re so glad you were there. Jessica and I hope to see you again soon!
[Your Names]

Dr. Fisher,

Thank you for your thoughtfulness on our special day. Sam and I are saving for a down payment on our first home, and your gift will be a great help towards reaching our goal. We missed seeing you at the wedding, but really appreciate you thinking of us. Hope to be able to catch up with you soon.
With best wishes,
[Your Names]

Dear Aunt Margaret and Uncle Tom,

Thank you so much for the generosity that you showed to Mark and me on our wedding day. The gift card you gave will help us immensely as we make purchases for our first home. We hope you can come to see it soon! Thank you also for being at our wedding… it wouldn’t have been the same without you!
[Your Names]

Dear Meredith,

We had such a great time getting to catch up with you over our wedding weekend! Thank you so much for taking the time to come and also for the set of towels that you gave. They are so soft and match our bathroom perfectly! Steven and I hope you can come to visit soon.
[Your Names]

Mr. and Mrs. Foster,

We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your sweet gift. Jessica and I love the picture frames and plan to use them to display some of our favourite photos from our wedding day. We enjoyed getting to see you at the wedding and thank you for coming. Hope to see you again soon!
[Your Names]

Dr. and Mrs. Thompson,

Thank you for the Kitchenaid Stand Mixer that you gave at our bridal shower. You know that I love to bake and make goodies for Joe, and it was so generous and thoughtful of you to choose that gift. We missed having you at the wedding, but am glad we got to catch up at the shower. Thank you again!
[Your Name]

Dear Aunt Margaret and Uncle Tom,

Thank you so much for your generous wedding gift. Mark and I love the blender and can’t wait to use it for smoothies and milkshakes. We hope you can visit soon and we’ll make you a treat with it! Thank you also for taking the time to travel to our wedding. It was a joy to have you be a part of our special day.
[Your Names]

Dear Meredith,

We had such a great time getting to catch up with you over our wedding weekend! Thank you so much for taking the time to come and also for the set of towels that you gave. They are so soft and match our bathroom perfectly! Steven and I hope you can come to visit soon.
[Your Names]

Thank You Wording Samples: Cash Gifts

Cash wedding gifts” include any cash, check or gift card that you receive as a wedding gift. With cash gifts, briefly describe how you plan to use the money and how you appreciate the gift giver’s generosity. Do not include the amount of money given, but rather speak in generalities.

Thank You Wording Samples: Nonprofit Donation

“Nonprofit donation gifts” include any amount of money (or item) that was donated in your honour as a wedding gift. In your thank you card make sure to include the name of the organization that was donated to and your appreciation for the gift giver’s generosity.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster,

We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your generous donation to the American Cancer Society. The organization is so dear to our hearts, and Steven and I thank you for giving to their cause. There was no better gift than for you to give to something we believe in. We hope to see you soon!
[Your Names]

Dear Aunt Margaret and Uncle Tom,

Thank you so much for the generosity that you showed to Mark and me through donating to our local Humane Society. As you know, our sweet puppy was adopted from the Humane Society, and we love the work that they do in our community. You have to come to see Fido soon! Thank you also for travelling to be there on our wedding day… it was a joy to have you there.
[Your Names]

Thank You Wording Samples: Gifts You Don’t Like

Everybody gets some gifts that they don’t really like. Even if you donate, regift, or trash a wedding gift that was given to you, you still need to send a thank-you note with class. Focus on the generosity of the gift-giver rather than the gift, but still, make sure to include the specifics.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster,

We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the gift you gave at our bridal shower. The garden gnome is so unique! Thank you for thinking about us, and thank you for being a part of our wedding day. Luke and I loved getting to see you!
[Your Names]

Dear Margaret,

Thank you so much for the pearl and diamond jewelry box that you gave me. The engraved quote is one of my grandmother’s favourites! We really appreciate your generosity and we’re so glad you were able to attend our wedding. We hope to hear from you again soon.
[Your Names]

Thank You Wording Samples: Gifts You Returned

Everybody also gets duplicate items or items that need to be returned for other reasons. If returned the gift due to a duplicate, write your thank you card as if you kept the original gift. Use the sample messages from “Normal Gifts” for more ideas. If you returned the gift simply because you did not like it or it did not work, use the sample messages from “Gifts You Don’t Like.”

Quotes for Your Thank You Cards

There are tons of wedding quotes available about gratitude and giving thanks. Many sources will list hundreds of quotes that have anything to do with thanks or gratitude and claim they are perfect for wedding thank you quotes. Be careful, though, because not every quote about thanks is appropriate to include in your thank you cards.

Many quotes about gratitude are inspirational quotes for you to be more thankful. You do not want to include these in thank you cards. You want to express thanks, not encourage your gift-givers to be thankful. Below find some of our favourite quotes that can be perfect for your wedding thank you cards.

Quotes for Your Wedding Thank You Cards

“Not what we give,
But what we share,
For the gift
without the giver
Is bare.”

James Russell Lowell

“I can no other answer make,
but, thanks,
and thanks.”

JWilliam Shakespeare

“I would thank you
from the bottom of my
heart, but for you my
heart has no bottom.”


“I thank my God
every time I
remember you.”

Philippians 1:3

“Kindness is the language
which the deaf can hear
and the blind can see.”

Mark Twain

“I always thank God for
you because of His grace
given you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Corinthians 1:4

When to Send Wedding Thank You Cards

Gifts after the wedding day – For gifts received after your wedding day, send a thank you card as soon as possible.
The wording of your wedding thank you cards does not matter if you do not actually send your cards. So our biggest piece of advice is to send!
If, for some reason, you have not sent your thank you cards yet and it is more than two months after your wedding date – send your thank you notes anyway. Many couples will be busy after their wedding and forget to take the time to write their thank-yous.

Some couples don’t even know that it is important to send thank you cards. One card may get lost in a sofa cushion and not be found for several months.

No matter how late you are, when you realize that you should send thank you notes, just do it.

You can acknowledge in your letter that you know your gratitude is a little delayed, but that your gifts are much appreciated nevertheless.

To Summarize:

Besides your wedding photography and videography, try your best to get your wedding to thank you cards sent within the first month of marriage. If you’re busy, give yourself some slack and send them within two months. If you realize you’ve given yourself too much slack and are a bit late, just send your wedding thank you cards as soon as possible.

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